Convex Analysis
1. Convex Hull
Definition. The convex hull of a set is the intersection of all convex supersets of P.
Proposition. Without proof, we have: for any
2. Convex Polytope
Definition. A convex polytope P is a compact set with a finite number of vertices called extreme points. It satisfies , where denotes the convex hull of the vertices of P.
Combine with the proposition in convex hull, all points can be represented by finite points (extreme points).
3. The Gaussian width of a convex set
An interesting notion of complexity is known as a "Gaussian average" or "Gaussian width". Given a set , we define the Gaussian average as
where is a Gaussian random vector with zero-mean and identity covariance matrix (or equivalently a random vector where each entry is an iid Gaussian random variable with zero-mean and unit variance). Unfortunately, computing the Gaussian average for a given set can be difficult unless has some simple structure.
One of the most important properties (from the standpoint of high-dimensional statistics) of the Gaussian average is that
where denotes the convex hull of . Note that if , then
Also note that the Carathéodory's theorem) states that if a point x of lies in the convex hull of a set P, then x can be written as the convex combination of at most points in P.