Sobolev Space

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1. Weak Partial Derivative

We first note that is called multi-index of order $|\alpha| = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \alpha_i$ and we use the notition that

for in .

Now we come to the definition of weak partial derivative. Given function on compact set , for all infinitely differentiable functions with compact support : , if

we call the weak -th partial derivative of , denote as .

2. Sobolev Space

The Sobolev spaces combine the concepts of weak differentiability and Lebesgue norms. In the one-dimensional case the Sobolev space is defined as the subset of functions such that and its weak derivatives up to order have a finite norm.

With this definition, the Sobolev spaces admit a natural norm,

Equipped with the norm becomes a Banach space. It turns out that it is enough to take only the first and last in the sequence, i.e., the norm defined by

is equivalent to the norm above (i.e. the induced topologies of the norms are the same).

3. Sobolev Embeddings

It is a natural question to ask if a Sobolev function is continuous or even continuously differentiable. Roughly speaking, sufficiently many weak derivatives or large p result in a classical derivative. This idea is generalized and made precise in the Sobolev embedding theorem.

Let denote the Sobolev space consisting of all real-valued functions on whose first weak derivatives are functions in Here is a non-negative integer and The first part of the Sobolem states that if and are two real numbers such that and:


4. Sobolev Embeddings Applications

In the special case of and Sobolev embedding gives

where is the Sobolev conjugate of given by

This special case of the Sobolev embedding is a direct consequence of the Gagliardo–Nirenberg–Sobolev inequality.

The second part of the Sobolev embedding theorem applies to embeddings in Hölder spaces . If and

with then one has the embedding

This part of the Sobolev embedding is a direct consequence of Morrey's inequality. Intuitively, this inclusion expresses the fact that the existence of sufficiently many weak derivatives implies some continuity of the classical derivatives.

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