Stein's Method
- Liu, Qiang, Jason Lee, and Michael Jordan. "A kernelized Stein discrepancy for goodness-of-fit tests." International Conference on Machine Learning. 2016.
- Ley, Christophe, Gesine Reinert, and Yvik Swan. "Stein’s method for comparison of univariate distributions." Probability Surveys 14 (2017): 1-52.
1. Definition
Definition. Assume that is a subset of and a continuous differentiable (also called smooth) density whose support is . The (Stein) score function of is defined as
Definition. We say that a function is in the Stein class of if is smooth and satisfies
Notice that the RBF kernel is in the Stein class for smooth densities supported on .
Definition. The Stein’s operator of is a linear operator acting on the Stein class of , defined as
Applying on a vector-valued results a matrix-valued function,
2. Stein's Identity
Theorem. Assume is a smooth density supported on , then
for any that is in the Stein class of .
Another useful variate of Stein's Identity is as follows.
Theorem. Assume and are smooth densities supported on and in the Stein class of , we have