Finance/Quant Finance
1. Alternative Data
- Cohen, Lauren, Christopher Malloy, and Quoc Nguyen. "Lazy prices." The Journal of Finance 75, no. 3 (2020): 1371-1415.
- Green, T. Clifton, Ruoyan Huang, Quan Wen, and Dexin Zhou. "Crowdsourced employer reviews and stock returns." Journal of Financial Economics 134, no. 1 (2019): 236-251.
- Lee, Charles MC, Stephen Teng Sun, Rongfei Wang, and Ran Zhang. "Technological links and predictable returns." Journal of Financial Economics 132, no. 3 (2019): 76-96.
- Bekkerman, R., E. M. Fich, and N. V. Khimich (2022). The effect of innovation similarity on asset prices: Evidence from patents' big data. Review of Asset Pricing Studies
- Da, Zhi, Xing Huang, and Lawrence J. Jin. "Extrapolative beliefs in the cross-section: What can we learn from the crowds?." Journal of Financial Economics 140, no. 1 (2021): 175-196.
- Parsons, Christopher A., Riccardo Sabbatucci, and Sheridan Titman. "Geographic lead-lag effects." The Review of Financial Studies 33, no. 10 (2020): 4721-4770.
- Ali, Usman, and David Hirshleifer. "Shared analyst coverage: Unifying momentum spillover effects." Journal of Financial Economics 136, no. 3 (2020): 649-675.
- Boehmer, Ekkehart, Charles M. Jones, Xiaoyan Zhang, and Xinran Zhang. "Tracking retail investor activity." The Journal of Finance 76, no. 5 (2021): 2249-2305.
- Zhai, Xiao-ying, Ying-ying Hou, and Yuan-shun Li. "Investor attention and stock returns under negative shocks: an empirical analysis based on “Dragon and Tiger” list in China." Journal of Business Economics and Management 21, no. 3 (2020): 914-941.
- Bonne, George, Andrew W. Lo, Abilash Prabhakaran, Kien Wei Siah, Manish Singh, Xinxin Wang, Peter Zangari, and Howard Zhang. "An Artificial Intelligence-Based Industry Peer Grouping System." The Journal of Financial Data Science 4, no. 2 (2022): 9-36.
- Bryzgalov, S., S. Lerner, M. Lettau, and M. Pelger (2022). Missing financial data. Working paper.
- van Binsbergen, Jules H. Liang Ma, and Michael Schwert. "The Factor Multiverse: The Role of Interest Rates in Factor Discovery." SSRN Working Paper (2022).
2. Asset Pricing
- Hou, Kewei, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. "Digesting anomalies: An investment approach." The Review of Financial Studies 28, no. 3 (2015): 650-705.
- Hou, K., H. Mo, C. Xue, and L. Zhang. q5. Charles A. No. 2018-10. Dice Center Working Paper, 2018.
- Hou, Kewei, Haitao Mo, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. "Which factors?." Review of Finance 23, no. 1 (2019): 1-35.
- Hou, Kewei, Chen Xue, and Lu Zhang. "Replicating anomalies." The Review of Financial Studies 33, no. 5 (2020): 2019-2133.
- Daniel, Kent, David Hirshleifer, and Lin Sun. "Short-and long-horizon behavioral factors." The Review of Financial Studies 33, no. 4 (2020): 1673-1736.
- Stambaugh, Robert F., and Yu Yuan. "Mispricing factors." The Review of Financial Studies 30, no. 4 (2017): 1270-1315.
- Moskowitz, Tobias J., Yao Hua Ooi, and Lasse Heje Pedersen. "Time series momentum." Journal of financial economics 104, no. 2 (2012): 228-250.
- Huang, Dashan, Jiangyuan Li, Liyao Wang, and Guofu Zhou. "Time series momentum: Is it there?." Journal of Financial Economics 135, no. 3 (2020): 774-794.
- Goyal, Amit, and Narasimhan Jegadeesh. "Cross-sectional and time-series tests of return predictability: What is the difference?." The Review of Financial Studies 31, no. 5 (2018): 1784-1824.
- Lee, Charles, Yuanyu Qu, and Tao Shen. "Reverse mergers, shell value, and regulation risk in Chinese equity markets." (2017).
- 屈源育, 沈涛, and 吴卫星. "壳溢价: 错误定价还是管制风险?." 金融研究 453, no. 3 (2018): 155-171.
- Liu, Jianan, Robert F. Stambaugh, and Yu Yuan. "Size and value in China." Journal of Financial Economics 134, no. 1 (2019): 48-69.
- Jegadeesh, Narasimhan, Joonki Noh, Kuntara Pukthuanthong, Richard Roll, and Junbo Wang. "Empirical tests of asset pricing models with individual assets: Resolving the errors-in-variables bias in risk premium estimation." Journal of Financial Economics 133, no. 2 (2019): 273-298.
- Fama, Eugene F., and Kenneth R. French. "Comparing cross-section and time-series factor models." The Review of Financial Studies 33, no. 5 (2020): 1891-1926.
- Kozak, Serhiy, Stefan Nagel, and Shrihari Santosh. "Interpreting factor models." The Journal of Finance 73, no. 3 (2018): 1183-1223.
- Barillas, Francisco, and Jay Shanken. "Which alpha?." The Review of Financial Studies 30, no. 4 (2017): 1316-1338.
- Light, Nathaniel, Denys Maslov, and Oleg Rytchkov. "Aggregation of information about the cross section of stock returns: A latent variable approach." The Review of Financial Studies 30, no. 4 (2017): 1339-1381.
- Pástor, Ľuboš, Robert F. Stambaugh, and Lucian A. Taylor. "Sustainable investing in equilibrium." Journal of Financial Economics 142, no. 2 (2021): 550-571.
- Pástor, Ľuboš, Robert F. Stambaugh, and Lucian A. Taylor. "Dissecting green returns." Journal of Financial Economics 146, no. 2 (2022): 403-424.
- Fergis, Kristin, Katelyn Gallagher, Philip Hodges, and Ked Hogan. "Defensive Factor Timing." The Journal of Portfolio Management 45, no. 3 (2019): 50-68.
- Da, Liu, and Schaumburg (2013 MS) A Closer Look at the Short-Term Return Reversal
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- Zhu, Z., L. Sun, and M. Chen (2019). Fundamental strength and short-term return reversal.
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- Han, Y., Zhou, G., Y. Zhu (2016 JFE). A trend factor: any economic gains from using information over investment horizons?
- Cao, Sean Shun, Kai Du, Baozhong Yang, and Alan Zhang. (JAR 2021) Copycat skills and disclosure costs: Evidence from peer companies’ digital footprints.
3. Behavioral Finance
- Kahneman, Daniel, and Amos Tversky. "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk." Econometrica 47, no. 2 (1979): 263-292.
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- Da, Zhi, Umit G. Gurun, and Mitch Warachka. "Frog in the pan: Continuous information and momentum." The review of financial studies 27, no. 7 (2014): 2171-2218.
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- Meursault, Vitaly, Pierre Jinghong Liang, Bryan Routledge, and Madeline Scanlon. "PEAD. txt: Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Using Text." Available at SSRN 3778798 (2021).
- Stambaugh, Robert F., Jianfeng Yu, and Yu Yuan. "Arbitrage asymmetry and the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle." The Journal of Finance 70, no. 5 (2015): 1903-1948.
- Han, Yufeng, Dashan Huang, Dayong Huang and Guofu Zhou, 2022, Expected return, volume, and mispricing, Journal of Financial Economics 143(3), 1295-1315.
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- Lou, Dong, Christopher Polk, and Spyros Skouras. "A tug of war: Overnight versus intraday expected returns." Journal of Financial Economics 134, no. 1 (2019): 192-213.
- Akbas, Ferhat, Ekkehart Boehmer, Chao Jiang, and Paul D. Koch. "Overnight returns, daytime reversals, and future stock returns." Journal of Financial Economics 145, no. 3 (2022): 850-875.
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- Liu, Bibo, Huijun Wang, Jianfeng Yu, and Shen Zhao. "Time-varying demand for lottery: Speculation ahead of earnings announcements." Journal of Financial Economics 138, no. 3 (2020): 789-817.
- Xu, Yongxin, Yuhao Xuan, and Gaoping Zheng. "Internet searching and stock price crash risk: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment." Journal of Financial Economics 141, no. 1 (2021): 255-275.
4. Cryptocurrency
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- Cong, Lin William, Zhiguo He, and Jiasun Li. "Decentralized mining in centralized pools." The Review of Financial Studies 34, no. 3 (2021): 1191-1235.
- Eyal, Ittay, and Emin Gün Sirer. "Majority is not enough: Bitcoin mining is vulnerable." In International conference on financial cryptography and data security, pp. 436-454. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014.
- Cohen, Lauren, Christopher Malloy, and Quoc Nguyen. "Lazy prices." The Journal of Finance 75, no. 3 (2020): 1371-1415.
- Halaburda, Hanna, Miklos Sarvary, and Guillaume Haeringer. The Rich Landscape of Crypto. Springer, 2022.
- Saleh, Fahad. "Blockchain without waste: Proof-of-stake." The Review of financial studies 34, no. 3 (2021): 1156-1190.
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- Howell, Sabrina T., Marina Niessner, and David Yermack. "Initial coin offerings: Financing growth with cryptocurrency token sales." The Review of Financial Studies 33, no. 9 (2020): 3925-3974.
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5. Machine Learning Finance
- Gu, Shihao, Bryan Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. "Autoencoder asset pricing models." Journal of Econometrics 222, no. 1 (2021): 429-450.
- Kelly, Bryan T., Seth Pruitt, and Yinan Su. "Characteristics are covariances: A unified model of risk and return." Journal of Financial Economics 134, no. 3 (2019): 501-524.
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- Chen, Luyang, Markus Pelger, and Jason Zhu. "Deep learning in asset pricing." Available at SSRN 3350138 (2020).
- Han, Yufeng, Ai He, David Rapach, and Guofu Zhou. "What firm characteristics drive us stock returns." Available at SSRN (2018).
- Arnott, Rob, Campbell R. Harvey, and Harry Markowitz. "A backtesting protocol in the era of machine learning." The Journal of Financial Data Science 1, no. 1 (2019): 64-74.
- Bailey, David H., Jonathan Borwein, Marcos Lopez de Prado, and Qiji Jim Zhu. "The probability of backtest overfitting." Journal of Computational Finance, forthcoming (2016).
- Sarmento, Simão Moraes, and Nuno Horta. "Enhancing a pairs trading strategy with the application of machine learning." Expert Systems with Applications 158 (2020): 113490.
6. Market Microstrcure
- Christie, William G., and Paul H. Schultz. "Why do NASDAQ market makers avoid odd‐eighth quotes?." The Journal of Finance 49, no. 5 (1994): 1813-1840.
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- Hansen, Peter R., and Asger Lunde. "Realized variance and market microstructure noise." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 24, no. 2 (2006): 127-161.
7. P-hacking and Out-of-Sample
- Harvey, Campbell R. "Presidential address: The scientific outlook in financial economics." The Journal of Finance 72, no. 4 (2017): 1399-1440.
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- Chordia, Tarun, Amit Goyal, and Alessio Saretto. "Anomalies and false rejections." The Review of Financial Studies 33, no. 5 (2020): 2134-2179.
- Chen, Andrew Y. "The Limits of p‐Hacking: Some Thought Experiments." The Journal of Finance 76, no. 5 (2021): 2447-2480.
- Harvey, Campbell R., and Yan Liu. "Uncovering the iceberg from its tip: A model of publication bias and p-hacking." Available at SSRN 3865813 (2021).
- Harvey, Campbell R., and Yan Liu. "False (and missed) discoveries in financial economics." The Journal of Finance 75, no. 5 (2020): 2503-2553.
- Martin, Ian WR, and Stefan Nagel. "Market efficiency in the age of big data." Journal of Financial Economics (2021).
- McLean, R. David, and Jeffrey Pontiff. "Does academic research destroy stock return predictability?." The Journal of Finance 71, no. 1 (2016): 5-32.
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8. Reinforcement Learning for Finance
- Halperin, Igor, and Ilya Feldshteyn. "Market self-learning of signals, impact and optimal trading: Invisible hand inference with free energy." arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.06126 (2018).