1. Kaggle Summary
2. Ubiquant Market Prediction
2.1. 1st Place Solution
- LGBM, TabNet
- ensemble method : Average of (LGBM x 5 Folds) + (TabNet x 5 Folds)
Feature Engineering:
Raw 300 features
The added 100 is calculated in the following way: the average value at each time_id for the top 100 features by obtaining and sorting the corr. of 300 features and the target. 相当于加了100维market information
features = [f'f_{i}' for i in range(300)] corr = train_df[features[:] + ['target']].corr()['target'].reset_index() corr['target'] = abs(corr['target']) corr.sort_values('target', ascending = False, inplace = True) best_corr = corr.iloc[3:103, 0].to_list() time_id_mean_features = [] for col in tqdm(best_corr): mapper = train_df.groupby(['time_id'])[col].mean().to_dict() train_df[f'time_id_{col}'] = train_df['time_id'].map(mapper) train_df[f'time_id_{col}'] = train_df[f'time_id_{col}'].astype(np.float16) time_id_mean_features.append(f'time_id_{col}') features += time_id_mean_features
Cross Validation for Training : KFold, GroupKFold
- GroupKFold:按照标签Y分组Kfold
Cross Validation for FE and Parameter Tuning : PurgedGroupTimeSeries, TimeSerieseSplit
- PurgedGroupTimeSeries:
- 金融里的交叉验证
- Combinatorial Purged Cross-Validation
- Marcos Lopez de Prado's "Advances in Financial Machine Learning" book (p. 163 - p. 165).
- e.g.,数据按照时间分成6份,每次选择其中2份作为test,剩下当做training。在training set上进行purging and embargoing 防止对测试集的数据泄露。这样可以得到 C(6,2)=15种training/test split 和每一天 15*0.4=6 次test evaluation。每天可以至少被验证6次,降低validation loss的variance。
- PurgedGroupTimeSeries:
2.2. 3rd Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Models
- 6 layers transformer, max_seq_length=3500 investments,在股票维度进行attention,每一天当做一个record。
- 直接把Pearson correlation当做loss
- Data Augmentation
- random zero (feature level) + random mask(sequence level) 在transformer角度 like BERT
- No feature engineering, no fancy Kfold split, just take the last 200 days as validation
2.3. 5th Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Simple NN model with four dense layers(optimizer=Adam, loss='mse', metrics=[rmse,wcorr])
Feature Engineering
- target log transformation, removed 127 target outliers rows
- transform features with sklearn QuantileTransformer
- Quantile transformer with uniform distribution: 就直接output quantile,[0,1] 和 n_quantiles
- Quantile transformer with uniform distribution:
- calculate empirical ranks, using
- modify the ranking through interpolation, using
- map to a Normal distribution by inverting the CDF, using
- calculate empirical ranks, using
Custom Cross Validation for Training with 20 folds and 10 purge time_id.
2.4. 7th Place Solution
- Simple LGBM, the 'extra_trees' pamameter is set to 'True'. This gives steady improvement when the number of trees goes large.
- Feature engineering
- This is kind of my secret. The model takes in 900+ features, which are selected from an even larger feature pool.
- As a control, in the second submission I have a similar model but only used the 300 original features. That one scored 0.112 which is not even in the medal range.
- Cross validation
- Standard TimeSerieseSplit applies.
2.5. 17th Place Solution
3. Two Sigma Financial Modeling Challenge
3.1. 8th Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Model
- XGBoost
- Feature Engineering
- adding first and second order differences
- some interaction terms
- cross sectionally normalized forms of input features
3.2. 13th Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Model
- Ridge A - Selected Features trained on SignedExp( y+1 ). Some cleaning on features and filter on target instances. This is a target transformation. It helps decrease correlation with other models. Improving the blend.
- Ridge B - Selected features and some cleaning on features and filter on target instances.
- XGB - Selected Features and tuned hyperparameters on "all" trainset.
- Cross validation
- 2 folds: timestamp > 906 and timestamp <= 906
- 5 kfolds
- rolling fit for ts> 906
4. Jane Street Market Prediction
4.1. 1st Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Feature Engineering
- Transfer all resp targets (resp, resp_1, resp_2, resp_3, resp_4) to action for multi-label classification
- Use the mean of the absolute values of all resp targets as sample weights for training so that the model can focus on capturing samples with large absolute resp.
- Model
- Use autoencoder to create new features, concatenating with the original features as the input to the downstream MLP model
- Add target information to autoencoder to force it to generate more relevant features
- Add Gaussian noise layer before encoder for data augmentation and to prevent overfitting
- Train the model with 3 different random seeds and take the average to reduce prediction variance
- Use Hyperopt to find the optimal hyperparameter set, it improves the score a lot.
- Cross validation
- 5-fold 31-gap purged group time-series split
4.2. 39th Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Feature Engineering
- There were a number of discussions about the meaning of
(buy/sell, long/short?). I have no idea what the correct answer is – my hypothesis is that it is produced by a separate JS model that selects the trading opportunities. 技术指标之JS - Binary feature representing part of the trading day (before/after lunch)
- Number of trades suggested by JS algorithm earlier today (for the first part of the day) or after lunch (for the second part of the day) - the intuition here that together with 'clock' this feature could also represent a market condition (e.g. more trade opportunities = more volatility)
- There were a number of discussions about the meaning of
- Target Engineering
- Treating this task as multi-label classification leads to better results compared to trying to predict just one label -
. - Add the mean value of
as a separate target which did improve the CV score. This can be thought of as a proxy for the general direction of returns over the wholeresp
time horizon.
- Treating this task as multi-label classification leads to better results compared to trying to predict just one label -
- 3-layer MLP with batch normalization and dropout.
Cross validation
- GroupKFold
5. G-Research Crypto Forecasting
5.1. 2nd Place Solution
Feature engineering
- Feature engineering was guided by feature importance. Focused further effort on developing features sets that already performed well (had high importance).
- Model
- LightGBM GBDT regressor with squared loss
- Cross validation
- Pay attention to CV variance. An easy way to see if your CV scores have too much variance is to look at a plot of CV score vs. a parameter you're tuning. A good plot will usually be smooth, with a knee and a plateau, or maybe a peak or a valley.
5.2. 3rd Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Feature engineering
- Only 'Close' is used.
- For 'Close', two features are prepared for multiple lag periods: the log of the ratio of the current value to the average during the period, and the log of the ratio of the current value to the value a certain period ago. Also take the average for all currencies. In addition, the difference between each currency and the average of all currencies was also prepared as a feature.
- Model
- Single model of LightGBM
- Cross validation
- 7 fold EmbargoCV, which is adding gap between training and validation sets.
6. 7th Place Solution
- 知乎回答
- Feature Engineering
- 都是原始数据,仅添加当日时间特征
- Model
- 把交易数据转化为2d的数据,使用position embedding、transformer encoder和MLP构建模型。
6.1. 13th Place Solution
- Kaggle discussion
- Feature Engineering
- 8 lagged features - a simple mixture of EMA's, historical returns and historical volatility over various lookback periods
- These 8 features were averaged across timestamps to produce 8 more
- It was also important to perform some kind on binning on the features, especially for training the LGBM model. The commonly used
function and some rounding functions seemed to provide a suitable amount of bins. I found binning to 500-1000 unique values worked well for any given continuous feature.
- Model
- Ensembles of LGBM and Keras NN models.
6.2. 14th Place Solution
- 知乎回答
- Feature Engineering
- 使用了大量的技术指标作为特征,例如布林带、RSI、ATR、log_return等。
7. Optiver Realized Volatility Prediction
7.1. 1st Place Solution
Feature Engineering
- By compressing the time-id x stock-id price matrix to one dimension using t-SNE, we can recover the order of the time-id with sufficient accuracy.
- 基于time_id的KNN:使用knn算法找到相近的timeid,并把以下重要的特征重新聚集一遍;反映时间特征。
- 基于stock_id的kmeans:使用corr+kmeans,找到相近的stockid,并把以下重要的特征重新聚集一遍;反映行业特征。
| 特征名 | 解释 | | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | stock_id | 股票代码 | | log_return_realized_volatility | 过去10min基于买一和卖一报价计算的实现波动率 | | log_return_realized_volatility_300 | 过去5min基于买一和卖一报价计算的实现波动率 | | trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique_300 | 过去5min发生的交易的时刻数 | | price_spread_mean | 交易价差 | | trade_seconds_in_bucket_count_unique | 过去10min发生的交易的时刻数 | | price_spread_mean_300 | 过去5min交易价差 | | trade_log_return_realized_volatility | 过去10min基于成交价计算的实现波动率 | | trade_log_return_realized_volatility_300 | 过去5min基于成交价计算的实现波动率 | | log_return2_realized_volatility | 过去10min基于买二和卖二报价计算的实现波动率 | | log_return2_realized_volatility_300 | 过去5min基于买二和卖二报价计算的实现波动率 | | wap_balance_mean | 过去10min的成交均价价差 | | wap_balance_mean_300 | 过去5min的成交均价价差 | | trade_size_sum | 过去10min的交易量 | | trade_size_sum_300 | 过去5min的交易量 | | ask_spead_mean | 基于卖方报价的价差 | | bid_spead_mean | 基于买方报价的价差 | | bid_ask_spead_mean | 基于买方和卖方报价的价差 |
- Three simple blends for prediction: LightGBM, 1D-CNN, and MLP