NLP in Finance

1. Asset Pricing

  • Dim, Chukwuma, Francesco Sangiorgi, and Grigory Vilkov. "Media Narratives and Price Informativeness." Available at SSRN 4323093 (2023).

    • 新闻叙事、文本分析与资产定价

    • Similar to Bybee, Kelly, and Su (2023), use LDA to extract latent topics from daily news -> regress daily individual stock return on LDA latent vector -> the estimated coefficient as stock exposure to news

    • 股票对新闻叙事注意力变化的暴露程度越高,股票的异质性风险也越大:这一暴露程度可以解释 82% 的股票异质性风险的截面差异,非常厉害的一个发现。进一步发现,更高的新闻叙事注意力暴露会显著降低股价信息效率,而机制便是股票异质性风险和公共信息相关风险的上升。
  • Wang, Huaixin. "News Link and Predictable Returns." Available at SSRN 4458612 (2023).
    • Construct linkage based on news, then construct signals based on peer returns (RNCF).
    • RNCF predicts future earnings surprises. We calculate unexpected earnings as the annual change in quarterly earnings. SUE is calculated using unexpected earnings scaled by the standard deviation of unexpected earnings over the eight preceding quarters. We control for the focal firm's lagged earnings surprises.
    • Information days (events such as earnings announcements or news releases) can amplify the positive predictability of RNCF.
    • RNCF is positively associated with future analyst forecast revisions about the focal firm.
    • The 52-week high price serves as a psychological barrier. The effect of anchoring on the 52-week high leads to a distortion of belief updating since upward price movements are bounded above in the perspective of investors with such bias. Similarly, these investors also respond to bad news slowly if the price is far from the 52-week high.
    • Small stocks in China are contaminated by the shell value because of the strict IPO constraints in China's stock market. To avoid this contamination effect, should eliminate the smallest 30% of stocks before constructing their asset pricing factors.
    • Controlling for alternative industry momentum effects. Remove industry lead-lag from RNCF.
  • Allee, Kristian D., and Chuong Do. "How do analysts gather information about the firms they follow?." Available at SSRN 4295287 (2022).
    • The order in which the analyst has the opportunity to pose a question during the call could matter
    • When the analysts ask more unique questions relative to their own prior questions and relative to the management prepared narratives and their peer's questions, they are more likely to revise their forecasts immediately after the conference call
    • The accuracy of analyst forecast appears to be associated with their differential data gathering activities on conference calls
    • Manager choose which analysts are invited to participate in the Q&A portion of earnings call, and that they discriminate by choosing the analysts with more favorable recommendations for the firm's stocks as well as the more prestigious analysts
    • Market participants infer negative information about future firm performance when managers appear to adhere to predetermined scripts when responding to questions during the Q&A
  • Fedyk, Anastassia, and James Hodson. "When can the market identify old news?." Journal of Financial Economics 149.1 (2023): 92-113.
    • Cognitive limitations make investors difficult to processing recombination news, which translates into sizable overreactions in returns
    • Recombination news overreaction >> reprint news overreaction
  • Chen, Wei, Lili Dai, and Hun‐Tong Tan. "When does analyst reputation matter? Evidence from analysts’ reliance on management guidance." Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (2022).
    • Reputable analysts tend to rely less on management guidance than less reputable analysts.
    • The effect of analyst reputation on analysts' reliance on management guidance is stronger when uncertainty is higher than when it is lower. (the benefits of expertise are more apparent when there is greater uncertainty in forecasting tasks.)
    • The effect of analyst reputation on analysts' reliance on management guidance is stronger when guidance contains good news than when it contains bad news. (Experts are better able to detect differences in the credibility of information provided and that they consequently rely less an information with low credibility. This implies that differences between expertise levels are more apparent for tasks where the information has less credibility.)
    • Individual analyst's reliance on management guidance is measured as the absolute difference between the Earnings Per Share (EPS) forecast issued by analyst and the management guidance issued by the manager for quarterly earnings.
    • Forecast accuracy is lower when an analyst provides a forecast that relies less on guidance.
    • Control previous consensus deviation
  • New News is Bad News
    • An increase in the novelty of news predicts negative stock market returns. The news novelty is measured by entropy score to the next month's news articles, which reflects the degree to which the text in these articles deviates from the RNN model's conditional word distributions
  • Enhanced Fama-MacBeth Regression

  • Kim, Alex, Maximilian Muhn, and Valeri Nikolaev. "From Transcripts to Insights: Uncovering Corporate Risks Using Generative AI." arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.17721 (2023).

    • This paper explores the application of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, in assessing and uncovering corporate risks. The authors develop and validate measures of firm-level risk exposure related to political, climate, and AI-related risks using the GPT 3.5 model. They generate risk summaries and assessments from earnings call transcripts to demonstrate that these AI-based measures have significant information content and can predict firm-level volatility and corporate decisions related to investment and innovation more effectively than existing risk measures.

2. NLP Application

3. NLP Literature

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