Order Imbalance with Trade Flow Decomposition

1. Introduction

  • For any stock, the conditional order imbalance is defined as

  • where and denote the total number of market buy orders and market respectively.

  • We now decomposite trade into different types,

    • isolated: Trades are labelled as isolated if they do not co-occur with any other trades.
    • non-isolated: Otherwise, trades are labelled as non-isolated.
      • non-self-isolated: the co-occurrence neighborhood contains only trades of the same stock;
      • non-cross-isolated: the co-occurrence neighborhood contains only trades of different stocks;
      • non-both-isolated: the co-occurrence neighborhood contains only trades of same and other stocks
  • For each identified trade type, we can compute the order imbalance. The regression R square is higher if we use 3 types of non-isolated COI and the isolated COI.

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